Going Pro Career Fair 2025
The Music Center Annex
The Music Center Annex
The Music Center Annex
601 W Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Parking can be found at the Music Center Parking Garage
135 Grand Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Going Pro is open to current college and graduate students, early-career individuals, and college, university and trade tech educators. Select parts of the fair are reserved for current college and graduate students.
Do I count as early-career? We think of ‘early-career’ as someone who has begun pursuing a career in their intended field, and who has been working in it for fewer than 8 years. However, we believe ‘early-career’ is self-defined. If you identify as an early-career individual, please RSVP.
Space is limited!
Please note: Through March 14th, registration will prioritize students attending a college or university and early career individuals. If space remains in the event, we will accept registrations from educators currently teaching at college or university and early-career individuals based in California, intending to pursue a career in theatre and live entertainment. You are strongly encouraged to register.
Arts For LA
We’re proud to partner with Arts for LA for this year’s Going Pro Career Fair!
Email Aurora Ilog, Creative Workforce Initiatives Director at [email protected].